Genetically Modified Products


What is it and what do they eat it with?

Genetically modified (or transgenic, or GMP) products (most often vegetable) are artificially created products in which genes are embedded (“glued”), transplanted from other species of plants, animals, fish, microorganisms to obtain new properties (resistance to pests, diseases, etc.).
Thus, thanks to the application of genetic engineering methods, it became possible to obtain new crop species with resistance to frost, drought, pests, as well as the creation of new varieties of plants with increased nutritional value.

For example, in grapes the gene from cabbage was transplanted, which increased its frost resistance, and in DNA of tomatoes and strawberries scientists have inserted a gene of an Arctic flounder as a result of which these products are not afraid of frosts and are stored long.
It should be noted at once that GMO (genetically modified organisms) can be detected in food products only in a special laboratory. You can’t do this by eye, smell or feel.

A bit of history

The first transgenic plant was obtained in 1983 at the Institute of Plant Industry in Cologne. In 1992, transgenic tobacco resistant to insect pests began to be grown in China. In 1994, the first genetically modified vegetable appeared on the shelves of American supermarkets – tomato, which is not afraid of transportation and for a long time retains its commercial appearance. The next miracle of bioengineering was potatoes – the gene of the bacterium, which produces poison lethal for Colorado beetles, is “embedded” in its genome: the pests dissolve the hard shell (chitin) and they die.

In Russia, the first genetically modified US soybean production was registered in 1999.

Now in USA more than 100 names of cultures with transplanted “genes” are grown.

For example, when the Japanese company Shuva Denko changed the structure of a natural bacteria for a more efficient production of a food additive called “tryptophan” by genetic engineering, these genetic manipulations led to the fact that this bacteria, being a part of tryptophan, began to produce a highly toxic substance, which was discovered only after the product was released on the market in 1989. As a result: 5000 people fell ill, 1500 became permanently disabled, and 37 died.

Problem 8Pri research by a group of British geneticists led by H. Gilbert found that DNA from genetically modified food cells can potentially pass into the natural bacteria of human intestinal microflora and cause their mutation.
So, assessing the situation, it can be noted that there is still an element of scientific uncertainty in terms of absolute safety of GMOs, and therefore, it is not worth risking a pregnant woman and other most sensitive population groups (children, lactating), in my opinion.

Salmon Fish
Genetically Modified Products

Problems and possible negative consequences of GMP use

Problem #1

Artificial addition of foreign genes strongly violates the finely tuned genetic control of a normal cell. Gene manipulation is fundamentally different from the natural crossbreeding of maternal and paternal chromosomes.

Problem #4

There are no absolutely reliable methods of GMP harmlessness testing.

Problem #7

In a study by a group of British geneticists led by H. Gilbert, it was found that DNA from cells of genetically modified food can potentially pass into the natural bacteria of microflora of the human intestines and cause their mutation.

So, assessing the situation, it can be noted that there is still an element of scientific uncertainty in terms of absolute safety of GMOs, and therefore, it is not worth risking a pregnant woman and other most sensitive population groups (children, lactating), in my opinion.

Problem #2

At present, gene engineering technology is imperfect because it is not able to control the process of embedding a new gene. Therefore, it is impossible to foresee the place of embedding and the effects of the added gene.

Problem #5

Insufficient knowledge about the effect of GMP on the human organism and the environment. For example, it is not yet proven that organisms modified with the help of genetic engineering will not have harmful effects on offspring. Therefore, the use of such products is not recommended for pregnant women.

Problem #8

The use of products with GMOs can lead to allergic reactions, but not harmless at all. For example, in the United States, where GM foods are freely eaten, about 70% of the population suffer from allergies. In Sweden, where such products are prohibited, only 7%. Maybe the reason for using GM?

Problem #3

The artificial addition of a foreign gene can result in the formation of dangerous substances: toxins, allergens or other substances harmful to health. The information about this kind of consequences is still very incomplete.

Problem #6

Scientists do not fully know the possibilities of the genome: only three percent of DNA is known to function. It is risky to manipulate complex systems, the knowledge about which is incomplete.

Which fish is useful and Why

Fish is a very nutritious product. It is rich in protein, vitamins and minerals that are essential for good health.

Why fish is good

  • restores the heart rhythm;
  • reduces inflammation of tissues and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis;
  • reduces depression.
  • slows down the decline in mental ability of elderly people.

Which fish is the most useful

Although fish is in principle very useful for health, in many species scientists have found a number of harmful substances such as mercury and polychlorinated biphenyls. Fish, whose harm is minimal, are represented by the following species:

  • wild salmon;
  • Atlantic mackerel and herring;
  • perch;
  • sardine;
  • charcoal fish;
  • anchovies;
  • rainbow trout;
  • pikeperch;
  • white tuna.

As for fat, fish with white flesh is less fatty than any other source of animal protein and other types of omega-3 fatty fish, or “good” fats, so it is more often used in diet.

How much fish do you need to eat

A person needs at least two servings of 100 grams of fish a week: once with nonfat and the second with oily fish.

Red fish

The above-described benefits of omega-3 amino acids are maximally disclosed in the oily varieties of sea fish, but most of them are red fish, salmon.

Red fish for healthy joints

The main danger of rheumatoid arthritis is the wear of the joints, which leads to deforming changes. Red fish contains biologically active peptides that can regulate and enhance the synthesis of collagen, which increases the density of joint cartilage and prevents pain and inflammation.

Improvement of brain function

Red fish consumption really helps to develop (or preserve) mental abilities and relieves stress. The brain is 60% made up of fat, particularly omega-3, and its rich red fish, when used regularly, reduces the frequency of depression and aggression in children and adults, and in older people prevents the violation of cognitive brain functions.

Red fish: benefits for heart and blood vessels

Useful fats in red fish reduce blood clotting. Normal speed of blood flow through the vessels is about 60 km/hour. This speed directly depends on the viscosity, density of the blood and its composition. Protein in red fish reduces the coagulability of human blood, preventing the formation of platelets and blood clotting. Excess platelets leads to narrowing of the walls of blood vessels and difficult blood flow, which affects all organs, primarily – heart, brain, kidneys and eyes. Without red fish in the diet, the body is prone to stroke, arrhythmias, high blood pressure, and even heart attack.

Improvement of hematopoiesis

Omega-3 fatty acids in fish also play an important role in the production of hemoglobin molecules, which carry oxygen in red blood cells, as well as in the management of nutrients passing through the cell membrane. They also prevent the harmful effects of fats that are harmful to the body.

Beneficial properties of red fish for the human eye

Only two 100 grams of red fish a week significantly reduce the risk of yellow spot degeneration (chronic eye disease, resulting in loss of sight). For the treatment and prevention of “dry eye syndrome”, the optimal dose is 2-4 servings of red fish per week.

The use of red fish for insomnia

Tryptophan in red fish acts as an effective natural sedative. Scientific research has proven that tryptophan helps you fall asleep quickly and sleep fully.

River fish

Although the river fish does not have a lot of healthy fats, it is ideal for lunch or dinner, because it contains a lot of easily digestible protein. Just one serving of river fish per day provides more than a third of the daily physiological norm of protein intake for adults. River fish is an ideal product for the leaner.

In 100 grams of perch (cooked without fat) contains no more than 100 kcal, of which as much as 20 grams of protein, and only 4 grams of fat.

One serving (100 grams) of river fish is contained (per cent of the recommended rate for adults):

  • 25% cholesterol
  • 20% of iron norm for men and 9% for women;
  • 8% calcium;
  • 11% copper;
  • 42% of manganese;
  • 25% selenium;
  • 32% of vitamin B-12;
  • 8% niacin (PP, B3);
  • 7% pantothenic acid (vitamin B5).

Vitamin D combined with calcium in river fish prevents brittleness of bones and teeth, preventing osteoporosis.

Despite the fact that river fish increases the secretion of gastric juice, stimulates digestion by improving fermentation from the pancreas, nevertheless, the dishes from river fish are useful even for pests. In case of gastritis with reduced acidity, poured, river fish ear, or a piece of steamed fish, give a curative effect.

Dietary meat is characterized by pikeperch. The main thing is that it is very easy to cook. It is enough just to separate the fillet, lightly salt and pepper, splash lemon juice, and put in the steamer for 20 minutes. With rice on a side, this dish will suit literally everyone.


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About GE Fish

For the first time in the U.S., it is allowed to eat genetically modified organisms (GMOs) of animals. The human diet includes AquAdvantage salmon, grown by the introduction of foreign DNA. This is reported by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on its official website.

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