Many casinos don’t just offer a good time, but they also offer great food. While playing the game, excitement appears, and the guest no longer pays close attention to the food in the casino restaurant. Of course, all dishes are decorated impeccably. They want to look at them and try them. But how much of the fish dishes are of high quality?
Many people in the best casinos colombia order fish dishes. This is one of the popular orders. Seafood is always distinguished by the way it is served. They are tasty and healthy dishes. But do all restaurants use quality products to prepare restaurant dishes? Let’s understand this below in the article.

What are genetically modified products?
The demand for animal products is increasing every year. More and more restaurants are ordering seafood redfish. According to numerous studies, it is proven that fish in natural conditions cannot proliferate. Therefore, laboratories have developed a method to grow fish in a short period artificially. Genetic modification avoids fish diseases and promotes its rapid growth.
From a scientific point of view, gene modification is a process that can create food products in a test tube. In a narrower and more relevant sense, genetic engineering refers to all in vitro methods and processes (in vitro techniques) for isolating, modifying, propagating, and transferring DNA genetic material. Genetic engineering allows specific sections of DNA to be separated from cells, changed, and moved to other cells. Such transfer of genetic material occurs to cells with a totipotent capacity for development, i.e., germ cells or cells whose nuclei are used for cell nuclear transfer cloning techniques (Dolly method). These totipotent cells develop into a genetically modified or transgenic organism, which, in addition to its species-specific characteristics, also produces those encoded by foreign genetic material introduced into its genome.
Genetic modification of fish today
Transgenic fish for aquaculture (e.g., salmon, trout, carp, tilapia) have been developed for over 15 years, mainly in the USA, Canada, Japan, Taiwan, Norway, and the UK. However, only genetically modified fish with accelerated growth are close to reaching the market. Aqua Bounty has applied for approval of the so-called AquAdvantage salmon to the responsible US FDA authority in the USA. This genetically modified Atlantic salmon contains an additional gene for the growth hormone of the Pacific salmon and a particular regulatory unit, which means that the hormone is also produced in winter. This results in growth about twice as fast.

In practice, gene modification is only used to accelerate fish growth. In the future, several other studies are planned that will allow:
- Acceleration of muscle growth. Muscle mass can be increased by up to 20 percent in such fish.
- Pathogen resistance: pathogens are often problematic due to high planting densities, especially in aquaculture.
- Cold tolerance: By transferring “antifreeze” genes, for example, from fish from polar regions, farmed fish such as salmon can be adapted to colder breeding regions.
Words make it sound inspiring. But are lab-bred products so safe to eat? There are still discussions about the harm of GMO products on the human body.
How do GMOs affect the human body?
Gene modification is an artificial way of influencing the growth and development of fish. On the one hand, we are presented with studies that prove the safety of using such a product. Of course, it is much more profitable for restaurants, casinos, cafes, and other establishments to buy genetically modified products because it is much cheaper. Biological products are much more expensive because the growth of animal fish will take more time, and accordingly, the costs will be different.
Let’s return to the safety of genetically modified products. It is proven that artificially bred food products hurt the human body. The consequences do not manifest themselves immediately. Over time, the immune system may deteriorate, and sometimes, the central nervous system suffers. These studies were conducted on animals that consumed GMO products daily. Some animals showed symptoms of poisoning. Therefore, discussing the 100% safety of genetically modified products is not worth discussing. Any interference in the natural environment of the development of animals and fish leads to irreversible changes. Even studies conducted to determine the safety of eating fish do not guarantee the absence of consequences after regular consumption of GMO products.
There must be a way to verify what kind of fish is supplied to casino restaurants. But it would help if you understood that many restaurateurs give preference to products that are cheaper to purchase. Therefore, you should consider the availability of products that are used to prepare restaurant dishes in casinos.