Everything You Should Know About GM Salmon

Salmon is one of the world’s most valuable fish species, and the demand for it is quite high. This is quite an important factor that made scientists think about producing genetically modified salmon that will boast improved characteristics.

Six years ago, for the first time in the history of the country, the FDA confirmed that GE animals are safe to eat. Here, we will talk about the GE “AquAdvantage” salmon, farmed by AquaBounty company, a pioneer in new-generation fish farming. 

To date, the producer announced building a huge farm (10,000 metric tons) in Ohio. In the near future, the fish and other products containing it will hit the shelves!

What Is Genetically Modified Fish?

It is a genetically modified salmon species. Two elements compose its rDNA construct: one is added from one fish species called “Chinook” salmon, the other one from “ocean pout.”

These genetic manipulations allowed salmon to gain market weight much faster than its Atlantic counterpart and grow all year round. That’s why it is a more cost-effective option than the one caught in the wild. Also, it is the reason why it is attracting the attention of producers and investors.

What Are the Main Threats?

There are several concerns about this product on the agenda.

Ethical Issue

Some consider GE salmon “unnatural,” thus unethical. Another ethical issue is that GM fish has some abnormalities and health problems, probably due to the over-expression of growth hormone. 

Health and Safety Concerns

There are several food categories that the FDA recommends that you treat with extreme caution to avoid allergic reactions. And fish is included in this list. The newly bred salmon has quite similar properties compared to its Atlantic counterpart. So, people who tend to experience allergic reactions to the parvalbumin (a type of allergen contained in fish) may be sensitive to the same allergic reaction by eating the modified species (but not for the reason that it’s genetically modified, as many critics of genetic engineering believe).

There are other concerns about the negative effects of excess hormones contained in the edible tissue masses of bioengineered fish. Many FDA studies of AquaBounty’s salmon reveal some statistical dissimilarity in insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) concentration. But, this amount is comparable or even lower than that found in many other popular animal products today (for example, organic milk).

Gene Editing

Biogenetics is an exact science. But it is still possible that scientists may accidentally edit another gene along with the one they’ve planned to edit. That’s why the analytics studied newly-bred salmon genome sequences and discovered no side effects.

Precautionary Containment Procedures

The critics have concerns about the possible impact of fish of unique origin on the environment in case it gets into rivers and oceans. AquaBounty has taken every possible precaution to rule out this possibility.

The producer equipped its facilities with special efficient blockages not to let the living organisms escape. Also, there’s a special septic system.

Moreover, GE fish farmed for food purposes is all-female, as well as triploid. In simple words, this fish has 3 chromosome sets instead of the normal 2 sets, which means it cannot reproduce.

What Are the Benefits of GM Fish?

  • Disease- and antibiotics-free products. The company uses closed containers, which keep salmon secure from pathogens and parasites. Biofiltration systems ensure the purity of the water in the reservoirs.
  • Rapid growth. It usually takes 2.5-3 years for Atlantic salmon to gain the desired market weight (around 2-3 kgs). With GM fish, this weight can be achieved twice faster.
  • Lower cost of production. 25% less feed is used in production.
  • Safety. An FDA advisory panel has confirmed that the newly-bred species is as harmless to consume as regular Atlantic salmon.
  • High nutrition value. Research revealed a higher fat content in this salmon. It contains a greater amount of Omega 3 needed for a healthy diet. The taste, nutritional value, or flesh color of the unique fish is almost equal to those of its Atlantic counterpart. Also, the researchers noted that the taste was brighter and richer.
  • The real prospect of covering the demand for fish in urban areas. Most US retailers import products from Norway, Canada, or Chile. The production of GM salmon will cut transportation costs and improve the supply chain. Also, it will help decrease the pressure on existing wild fish stocks and give people access to the freshest fish possible 365 days a year!

Is It Safe for People?

Many FDA studies confirm that eating modified salmon (or “Frankenfish,” as critics have called it) is completely safe for human health.

During these studies, they fed animals with GM foods, but this did not lead to any negative consequences for their health. For example, researchers didn’t confirm any negative effects of such foods on the kidneys, liver, and heart, as well as the risk of tumors.

What Is the Future of GM Salmon?

Today, AquaBounty is delivering several tons of AquAdvantage salmon to restaurants and caterers in the Midwestern United States and along the East Coast of the country.

The producer got FDA approval to sell products produced from its “brainchild” in the U.S. Now it can import GE fish eggs for raising.

Given its nutritional value and cost-effective production, GM fish have a great potential to win the battle. If you see it on the local shop’s shelves, don’t miss the chance to try the fish of the future!

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